Monday, March 9, 2009

grave day is approaching.

yes, some would call it a grave day but i only see it like its any other day. no biggie, no big deal.
but yet, yet, people are freak out about it. tantrums, paranoia, anxiety, ect ect.

yes, spm result is coming out. on 12 march.

honestly, seriously, am i the only one in this world tht could care less about it?? im not even thinking about it. why go stress yourself babe? leave it. what is done, its done. no point regretting, how suck u screw up in ur bio paper or how terrible u wrote ur essay for ur english paper. done is done. no point moping, regretting,...

be like me, care free, couldn;t care less, dun give a damn.

i have come a long way now and honestly, there are much more important things than spm results. maybe that is why, im not freaking out like others. or maybe the realisation haven;t kick in yet.

is not that i expect much, but just as long as i really really dun intend to fail. whatever is it, just not fail and hopefully, i can get an acceptable grades tht is approve by my parents.

i think. i think. i might be going out on a date on tht very day too. lol. oh this guy. what am i doing really?? having flings now? open relationship? scandal? that is not who i am. it seems so wrong but yet it feels so good.

however, it is banned by many ppl, both my ex's, my close friends. they were like, no! don't u go have flings, because its stupid, its not safe, its pointless, its not you, bla bla and bla.

and there are some who said, this is who i am all along. having flings is my natural talent. and if i dun honour it, it be such a waste. they said, this is the life im supposed to live all along. its time i live up to it.

but u know what,

"Someone once said; 'It’s the good girls who keep diaries. The bad girls never have the time. Me… I just wanna live a life I’m gonna remember. Even if I don’t write it down.'"