Ahh updates in life, well, i've decided to not continue my studies in PJCAD , for a few REASONABLY VALID reasons for example, IT'S TOO EFFING FAR. jesus. I guess i'm in a very confuse place right now, lost and don't know what i want again. Honestly, people say that i need to be more decisive, and i'm trying to, it's just not easy. Cos i have always been that girl who follows her heart and when my heart is empty, i'm empty, lost of direction. I guess i'm along the courses of designing(AGAIN), mass com or culinary. lol.
This past few weeks, i have been through alot, i guess i'm emotionally drain right now with all the confusion, pain, hurt, u get the drill. But it's getting better, day and day. How can one be so difficult? thats bad enough, but how can two be so difficult? That's even worst.
But i guess being in love has always been that way, wanting to be loved, to find a guy that makes your heart ache in a good way. I was just looking through back the pictures that we had together and shared, it reminds me of a time where i fell in love with this man that pratically breaks my heart, put them back again, breaks , put them back, breaks, and put them back again. Sometimes it’s not who you spend the most time with, it's who you have the best memories with.
I guess there's always gonna be this 3 person. The person that I love,the person that I hate and the person I can't get enough of. But all of them would be one person, and that person is you.
You promise, everything is going to be allright and i believe you.
Oh, and i start playing a game call audition too with a bunch of my crazy friends, i literally spent 50 bucks on virtual clothing for my character, dumb much? lol.
I guess no more clubbing for me for now, it aint that fun anymore.
And i have to say, i miss my bestie so much all the way in NZ. Damn it nic, come back to malaysia alrd.
andddd last but not least before i log off, i love my flowers for what it has been given to me. Thank you.