WHAT WAS YOUR:1. Last beverage:
(COKE,4.30AM in the morning)2. Last phone call:
(Chris,asking me where the hell was i, but infact i was in the kitchen =.=)3. Last text message:
(Lily, asking me to go lepak with her)4. Last song you listened to:
(Jesse mccartney-How do u sleep)5. Last time you cried:
[NOW, just finish watching a sad ending on ugly betty]HAVE YOU EVER:6. Dated someone twice:
(i wont call tht dating)7. Been cheated on:
(Nope)8. Kissed someone & regretted it:
(not really)9. Lost someone special:
(ya i did, people always leave)10. Been depressed:
(like duh!?)11. Been drunk and threw up:
REDTHIS YEAR HAVE YOU: (2009)15. Made a new friend:
(YES i have ^^)16. Fallen out of love:
(yes, but it doesnt matter)17. Laughed until you cried:
(yes)18. Met someone who changed you:
(not really, i am still who i am)19. Found out who your true friends were:
(no need for tht cos i alrd know who they r)20. Found out someone was talking about you:
(You are nobody until ur talked about)21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list:
(eeww. NO? XD)22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life?:
(errr.. 80% or so)23. How many kids do you want to have:
( 2 boys)24. Do you have any pets:
(err, if u call a pond full of fishes and tht attention seeking whore birds a pet, then i guess, yeah i do)25. Do you want to change your name:
(maybe?)26. What did you do for your last birthday:
(my dad took us all to japan,right b4 spm,and i got anything i wanted in tiffany's)27. What time did you wake up today:
(4pm)28. What were you doing at midnight last night:
(Online, chatting,eating,crapping)29. Name something you CANNOT wait for:
(My own house?)30. Last time you saw your Mother:
(this morning,6.02am)31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life:
(i would change how things are currently now)32. What are you listening to right now:
(jesse mccartney again)33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom:
(errr.. no?)34. What's getting on your nerves right now:
(The attention whore birds tht r making alot of noises)35. Most visited webpage:
(Youtube)36. Whats your real name:
(christine)37. Nicknames:
(Chriss,Chrissy,tin tin=.=, baby girl =.=)38. Relationship Status:
(single)39. Zodiac sign:
(Scorpio,sheep/lamb)40. Male or female?:
(Female)41. Elementary?:
(honestly,i have forgotten)42. Middle School?:
(errr.. forgotten, really)43. High school/college?:
(smkbu)44. Hair colour:
(brownish, a few strands of golden-ish colour)45. Long or short:
(Long)46. Height:
(166cm i think)47. Do you have a crush on someone?:
(now? not really)48: What do you like about yourself?:
(my persistency sometimes)49. Piercings:
(a pair on my ears)50. Tattoos:
(dun have one now, but will one day)51. Righty or lefty:
(righty)FIRSTS:52. First surgery:
(never i think)53. First piercing:
(when i was young,my momma trick me)54. First best friend:
(i only have one so far, nicole)55. First sport you joined:
(errr.. running on the field)56. First vacation:
(couldnt remember, but disneyland in tokyo i think)58. First pair of trainers:
(when i reach puberty? nah kidding, couldnt remember)RIGHT NOW59. Eating:
(ate MCd just now)60. Drinking:
(plain old water)61. I'm about to:
(go sleeepp, heck, its 6am alrd=.=)62. Listening to:
(those damn attention seeking whore birdies)63. Waiting on:
(honestly? MY BED!!!!)YOUR FUTURE:64. Want kids?:
(yeah)65. Get Married?:
(OF COURSE!)66. Career?:
(we'll see how things goes. jk. of course)WHICH IS BETTER:67. Lips or eyes:
(EYES)68. Hugs or kisses:
(ME LIKE KISSY KISSY)69. Shorter or taller:
(Taller but not too tall)70. Older or Younger:
(OLder)71. Romantic or spontaneous:
(can it be romantic and spontaneous at the same time?)72. Nice stomach or nice arms:
(BOTH! dun mind me adding, legs too)73. Sensitive or loud:
(SENSITIVE)74. Hook-up or relationship:
(relationships)75. Trouble maker or hesitant:
(trouble maker is funnay)HAVE YOU EVER:76. Kissed a stranger:
(so far no, but if ppl were to dare me, now thts gonna be a whole different answer now)77. Drank hard liquor:
(i dunno, is vodka all consider hard liquor?)78. Lost glasses/contacts:
(sunglasses yaaaaa. i broke it by sitting on it T.T)79. Sex on first date:
(NO)80. Broken someone's heart:
(yessss...)82. Been arrested:
(errr. not arrested but been caught before by the police)83. Turned someone down:
(yeah.. normal thing, no?)84. Cried when someone died:
(no no, i laugh my ass off when someone died. of cos i cried)85. Fallen for a friend?:
(err.. how can u have fallen for a stranger? he has to be ur friends 1st, no?)DO YOU BELIEVE IN:86. Yourself:
(yeah i do, most of the time)87. Miracles:
(of course, eveything is possible)88. Love at first sight:
(In a way, yeah)89. Heaven:
(yes)90. True love :
(all the way, i believe in always and forever)91. Kiss on the first date:
(ah thts normal)92. Angels:
(Ofcourse, castiel :P)ANSWER TRUTHFULLY:94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time:
(sigh.. in a way, yea)95. Did you sing today?:
(i always sing)96. Ever cheated on somebody?:
(sigh.. if u call tht cheating, well then, yea)97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?:
(i would go back to ammend the mistakes i have made)98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?:
(it would be the day i thought i fallen in love with my ex, because it was wonderful)99. Are you afraid of falling in love?:
(YES, VERY MUCH)100. Posting this as 100 truths?:
(ah im finally done, going to bed now. night ppl)