Saturday, September 5, 2009


honestly ppl, its beeeen 9 freaking asss months alrd and i still have not decided what to do with my future. -_______________- yea of cos i can tell u wat i want, stuff like, a chanel bag, a diamond engagement ring from tiffanys *cough* *cough*, a samoyed puppy, RYAN REYNOLDS!!! and bla bla bla.

But honestly ppl, when it comes to future planning, as in what freaking course i wanna take, i cant seeeem to blardddy decide. DAMN. its beeen whole 9 months now. and i honestly think mai brain died during march or april this year. -_____-

is not lik i dun have a passsion for anything, i DO! and its sumthing to do with fashion, but meh. nearly went to LKW a few months ago, got a panic attack in the car and turn back. =/ don't ask.

memang EPIC PHAIL la me.

and soooo a few months had past n now im still weighing mai blarddy options tht my dad so kindly lay it out for me just now.

a) PJ
b) Hong Kong
c) Singapore
d) US ( dad seeems reluctant tho) cause to his reluctance ---------> CHRIS THE CULPRIT!

i don't know if i have the strength and heart in me to leave malaysia, to leave my love ones behind. it seeems terrifying n strange n alone. it seems.... insignificant somehow.

Im getting mai arse to PJCAD tomoroo anyway to check out the place, talk to the counsellor and hit on the hot hot lecturer. teee heee ~ Gd night ppl (: